Gisela Stehr holds a MA in architecture and practiced architecture for over ten years. In the early nineties, the focus of her work shifted to the art and science of Feng Shui, a deep-reaching and multi-layered practice, rooted in ancient Chinese arts and the I Ching. A certified Feng Shui Consultant in Intuitive Feng Shui(R), Gisela Stehr started her consulting firm Cre8tive Feng Shui in 1996. Feng Shui is not merely an art of moving furniture and re-arranging physical spaces. It is about aligning your environments, the inner and outer ones, with the prevailing universal forces at work. Correlating the individual's chi to the currents and elements of the land and the building is an important component of every Feng Shui consultation. Ms Stehr's awareness of the tremendous importance of Feng Shui and her passion for teaching and advancing this knowledge led her to found the Emerald Feng Shui Institute in 2004, which offers a variety of Feng Shui workshops. The high quality Feng Shui Practitioner training program has earned the school recognition as a 'Gold Member School' by the International Feng Shui Guild (IFSG). Feng Shui as practiced and taught by Gisela Stehr represents good design and simply common sense to grow healthy and wholesome communities. Her recommendation is to incorporate Feng Shui in every remodel and building design project right from the start. For more information call 206-526-0513 or visit the website:
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