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Seattle, WA
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EcoTHRIVE Housing is a Community Land Trust. We are building beautiful, affordable and resilient villages that center community and will thrive in a changing climate.
We are dedicated to creating and stewarding home ownership opportunities accessible to people earning low incomes, now and for future generations.
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The Tribal Healthy Homes Network team has a mission and that is to educate and empower tribal communities, enabling them to build healthy homes, prevent disease and promote wellness.

Our to promote healthy tribal homes, families and communities, by bridging tribes with one another, and by serving as a clearinghouse for technical support, program guidance, resources, and funding. 

Our Philosophy... centers around the belief that one of the most expensive, harmful and intractable environmental challenges stems from the contaminants found in the indoor environment and ambient air. These contaminants are a contributing factor to the epidemic of asthma and lung diseases among American Indian/Alaska Native populations. 

Our to critically examine the underlying policies that contribute to the problem (housing, public health, economic development, energy), dialogue and partner with leaders in those sectors, then collectively work to develop cost-effective, evidence-based, sustainable programs and practices.
(206) 290-5548
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