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Book Review of The Northwest Green Home Primer

If you have picked up the NW EcoBuilding Guild’s Green Pages, then you should probably go and get your own copy of The Northwest Green Home Primer, by the Guild’s very own Kathleen O’Brien (first elected Board of Directors 1993) and her co-author, Kathleen Smith. Both Kathleens, of Bainbridge Island, WA, offer their own personal green building stories, along with dozens of other green building case studies from new construction, and remodeling, to affordable housing. All the case studies are local and offer practical tips for any Northwest project.

This information-packed manual offers more than case studies, it has it all! From the comprehensive building approach that begins with site analysis and ends with interior finishes, to the practical and (necessary) checklists and tips that will help you select the strategies, products, and professionals that are right for your project or purchase.

What shade of green is right for you? The book helps you make the best green choices for your budget, your project, and your dreams. It presents real-world scenarios that will get you to the darkest shade of green. Ultimately the Kathleens have created a practical manual for green building in the Northwest that will lead to homes that last, are comfortable and healthy, money- and time-saving in the short and long term, and protect our cherished natural resources.

My favorite part is the illustrations – this book is wonderfully illustrated with project photos – many of them featuring our very own Guild members – and clear and well-documented diagrams that lead you through the green building process.

It is a must-have for anyone planning, building, or remodeling, who wants to do it right the first time and be satisfied with the results long into the future. Every Real Estate Professional should get a copy, read it, and share this vital information with your clients. Whether you are talking about purchasing a new green home or remodeling a “Not so Green Home” (Kelly Lerner’s book) this book provides all the resources you need to understand the house as a system, it’s component parts, how they work together or against each other, so that you can design, build, and live comfortably in your new green home.

Thanks Kathleens for providing us with this essential primer.

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