Kicking off Earth Week, King County Executive Dow Constantine today honored 13 businesses, cities, organizations, and groups for the work they’re doing to protect and improve the local environment.
The Green Globe Awards are the County’s highest honor for local environmental efforts. The Green Globe Awards are presented every two years to coincide with Earth Day activities. The Lummi Nation took the top award for leading the effort to oppose construction of a coal export terminal that would have impacted human health and endangered fish and wildlife throughout Puget Sound.
“The Green Globe recipients reflect our region’s steadfast commitment to protecting the natural environment that is central to our quality of life,” said Executive Constantine. “We are the proud home to innovative businesses, nonprofits, cities, and tribal nations that are helping us create a more sustainable future.”
The Northwest EcoBuilding Guild was awarded the Green Globe Award for Leadership in Sustainable Building, which Guild President Wayne Apostilik, along with Joanne Olson and Tim Corrigan were present to receive.
“This is a great honor for the entire organization. To me, it is not only recognition of current members, but for all who have contributed to the Guild’s mission over the past 23 years. Yet receiving this award was not the only honor we had. Being part of a ceremony that included 10 other organizations from around King County who are working to restore our natural environment, along with seeing there is a much larger movement of environmental activism than I imagined, was both enlightening and heartening. I left wondering what and how quickly changes could be made if we all marshaled our collective energies into a collaborative movement.” – Wayne Apostilik
Learn more about all the 2017 Green Globe Award recipients.