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2021 WA State Energy Code Preview


Duane Jonlin, Energy Code Advisor for the Seattle Department of Constructions and Inspections, will provide an overview of the upcoming changes to the 2021 Washington State Energy Code and provide updates surrounding the status of changes to the Seattle Energy Code.

Duane Jonlin manages the development of the Seattle Energy Code and serves on the Technical Advisory Group for the Washington State Energy Code. At the US national level, he is a member of the ASHRAE 90.1 standard committee and is Chair of the IECC Commercial Code Consensus Committee. Prior to taking his position with the City, Duane was a principal at NBBJ, with 30 years’ experience designing complex projects as a technical architect. He is a fellow of the American Institute of Architects, a senior fellow at the New Buildings Institute.

With 30 years design experience in the fields of residential design, site planning and development, civil engineering, land surveying, graphic and WordPress website design, Elizabeth Diane offers a unique set of experiences to draw from. She also immerses herself in piano and music, dance, professional sand sculpting and teaching the “Architecture of the Cosmos” (Sacred Geometry). She has a Bachelor of Arts with an emphasis in Ecological Design, Green Building Design, Art History and Furniture Design from The Evergreen State College. She also is the Lead Designer/Owner of Lucid 9 Design.

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