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Seattle Chapter Educational Sessions

We get together regularly to learn from experts on a diverse array of topics related to green building. These meetings are also great opportunities to meet other Guild members, and share knowledge and resources with each other. If you have ideas for future education sessions or any questions you can contact our education committee at

When: 4th Wednesdays, social time 6:00 – 6:30, Program 6:30-8:00 pm
Cost: Always free for members! $10 suggested donation for non-members.

Did you miss the Education Session: Net Zero Building? You can view the recorded meeting here.


2020 – Schedule has been changed to Virtual Events due to COVID-19. Topics and dates may change.

JANUARY MLK Day Job Fair @ Garfield High School
FEBRUARY Biomimicry & Biophilia
MARCH Breathable Walls & Rainscreens
APRIL Homes for Everyone
MAY Solar DIY & Financing / Incentives
JUNE Net-zero
AUGUST Annual Picnic
NOVEMBER No session
DECEMBER Annual Holiday Party!


JANUARY Trends and Incentives in Green Building
FEBRUARY Net Zero Carbon Buildings – Policy Update
MARCH Going Without and Thriving
APRIL Missing Middle Housing Solutions
MAY Building for Climate Change
JUNE Water Catchment and Reuse
JULY Permaculture: Building Design and Indigenous Cultures
AUGUST Annual Picnic
SEPTEMBER Youth Perspectives on Green Building
OCTOBER Cradle to Cradle Material Choices
NOVEMBER No session
DECEMBER Annual Holiday Party!


JANUARY Non-Traditional Building Materials
FEBRUARY ReThinking Housing Series Pt 1 -Emerging solutions to the housing crisis
MARCH Materials for a Healthy Home and Planet
APRIL Re-Thinking Housing Pt 2 – Economics of Tiny Homes
MAY Rapid Improvements in Battery Technology for Home and Community Storage
Re-Thinking Housing Pt 3 – Building a long term solution
JULY Optimizing Heating and Ventilation Systems.
AUGUST Annual Picnic
SEPTEMBER Think outside the box:  Build a beautiful, high performance and affordable home.
OCTOBER Retrofits that work
NOVEMBER No session
DECEMBER Annual Holiday Party!


OCTOBER Avoiding Moisture Problems in Energy Efficient Housing
SEPTEMBER Going Foamless

Learn more about past educational meetings…

Trends and Incentives in Green Building

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