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Volunteers are the heart and soul of the Guild

Meet like-minded people in Seattle’s flourishing green building community, and have a lot of fun while you’re at it!

Robert Burns Mother Earth New Fair 2011 Joseph Becker 2011 Mother Earth News Fair

NW Green Home Tour

This is our big annual Spring event. The Northwest Green Home Tour was inaugurated in 2011 by a few Guild members (thanks Cate O’dahl, Robert Burns, and Michael Vacirca!) and has been tremendously successful. We partnered with Built Green 3 of our 8 years. Planning for the 2020 Tour is already under way, so hop on board! To be a part of this incredible and fun-loving team, contact Laura Elfline, Tour Chair, jenny@nwgreenhometour.orgLearn more about the NW Green Home Tour.


We host monthly educational meetings covering a broad range of topics, as well as special educational events throughout the year. This committee decides which exciting topics to pursue every year and gets to seek out and coordinate with the speakers. To get involved with this energetic team, contact Helen Biersack, Education Chair,

Booth Events and Workshops

Volunteering at the Guild’s booth is one of the funnest and most rewarding ways to volunteer with our chapter. We have booths at over a dozen events every year where we promote our organization and green building, and have exciting, interactive displays and workshops. These events are great opportunities to talk with the general public about green building. Contact Carrie Anderson, Booth Chair,, to find out how you can participate!

Green Building Slam

This is our big annual fall event and has been running for 10 years. This juried event showcases ten green projects submitted by our members, and is a super fun evening. The planning committee is looking for dedicated volunteers to start planning for 2015. Meet some new people, network, and have more FUN! If you would like to get involved with this fantastic team, please contact Laura Elfline, Northwest Green Building Slam + Summit Co-Chair, at nwgreen@ecobuilding.orgLearn more about volunteering for this event.

Communications and Marketing

This is the team that issues the newsletters, updates the website, creates flyers/brochures, posts on Facebook and other social media, etc. We are also in the process of defining communications guidelines and creating a marketing plan. If you would like to help with any of the above, please contact  Communications Chair, at


Do you like meeting and connecting with fellow members? This is the team that helps to welcome new members, connect current members, and reach out to members in general. If you would like to be involved with this, please contact Helen Biersack at

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