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Events & Programming

Here at the Guild, we’re finding and creating events where you can learn about green building, meet other homeowners and builders, and even swing a hammer or two. Scroll down to our events calendar to see what events we think you’d find interesting!

Resources for You

Don’t know the difference between a rolled flange connecter and a fetzer valve? We’ve got you covered. Check our our Green Pages for member businesses listed by specialty. Also, our members have contributed incredible innovations, recipes, and best practices to our site that you can browse for yourself in our Building Innovations Database.

How to Get Involved

Hey, it’s never fun to work in a vacuum (unless you’re in HVAC, right?). We’re all about learning from each other, and helping build a sustainable environment in each of our communities. So come join us! Scroll down to membership and more  to see some ways to get involved with green building through the Guild.

“If everyone is moving forward together,
then success takes care of itself.”

Henry Ford


“You can’t wait for inspiration.
You have to go after it with a club.”

Jack London


Listing Category
Short Description
I specialize in single-family residences, and accessory dwelling units, both attached and detached. I am a certified passive house designer through PHIUS
(425) 481-8083
Listing Tags
Listing Title
Listing Category
Short Description
Green Building Design and Consulting Accreditations: LEED AP CSBA, Certified Sustainable Building Advisor HHS, Healthy Home Specialist Member: Built Green & NW EcoBuilding Guild
(206) 463-4319
Listing Title
Listing Category
Short Description
Frank studied interior design at Bellevue College and became a LEED accredited professional. He now lives on Vashon Island and is a Lead Designer and Project Manager at reModerned Homes. Frank is passionate about intelligent, sustainable design and strives to incorporate these fundamentals into all his work.
+1 (206) 588-6364
Listing Category
Short Description
Architecture for high performance single-family remodels, additions and new construction.
(206) 856-7776
Listing Category
Short Description
Kevin Spence Architectâ PLLC, AIA (KSA) is a Seattle-based architectural practice and design studio providing personal and responsive service since 1998.
(206) 285-0720
Listing Title
(206) 370-2261
Listing Tags
Listing Title
Listing Category
EcoTHRIVE Housing is a Community Land Trust. We are building beautiful, affordable and resilient villages that center community and will thrive in a changing climate.
We are dedicated to creating and stewarding home ownership opportunities accessible to people earning low incomes, now and for future generations.
The Cottage Company
Listing Title
Short Description
Our mission is to pioneer sustainable communities where homes are more than houses and neighborhoods are more than zip codes.
(206) 525-0835
P.O. Box 15405
Seattle, WA
Listing Category
(425) 652-2777
Listing Tags
Pathway Design & Construction
Listing Category
Short Description
Pathway Design & Construction is committed to preserving the existing character of both the home and neighborhood while offering environmentally friendly conveniences desired by today's modern families.
PO Box 94731
Washington RetroFoam
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Short Description
At Washington RetroFoam, we insulate the walls of existing homes. About half the homes in the Pacific Northwest over 40 years old have no insulation in their walls. Others have highly degraded insulation. We use a foam that is harmless to touch, non-volatile, and Class One Fire Rated. We can typically insulate a 2,000-square-foot home in less than five hours for less than $4,900, usually driving a payback in less than three years.
15300 Redmond Woodinville Rd NE, Woodinville, WA
Listing Title
Listing Category
Short Description
batt + lear is a family-run Seattle business that has been dedicated to designing and building green since 1999.
(206) 301-1999
Faswall (by Shelterworks)
Short Description
Committed to Sustainable & Healthy Building Products

Founded by Tom Van Denend and Paul Wood, ShelterWorks Ltd. is the exclusive manufacturer of Faswall®, a unique insulated wood chip-cement building block for building highly energy-efficient, healthy homes and commercial buildings.

Faswall® has been in production since 1987.
(855) 558-4588

“You can’t wait for inspiration.
You have to go after it with a club.”

Jack London


Annual Professional
$148 for 1 Year
This membership level is designed for self-employed individuals working in the green building community. This is a one-time annual membership. For auto-renewal membership, select Recurring Professional Membership. This is an excellent way to promote your individual business or services.
Includes a Green Pages profile listing in 1 category.
Annual Small Business
$365 for 1 Year
This membership level is designed for small businesses with under 10 employees. This membership requires actively renewing your membership prior to expiration. For auto-renew, select the Recurring Small Business Membership. Enhanced benefits include:
Guild discounts and email list announcements for up to 4 employees, one principle contact plus 3 associates.
Green Pages profile listing in 3 categories.*
Annual Medium Business
$730 for 1 Year
This membership level is designed for medium businesses with 10 to 75 employees. This is a one-time annual membership that allows for you to choose to renew at the end of your membership. For auto-renewal, select the Recurring Medium Business. Enhanced benefits include:
Guild discounts and email list announcements for up to 6 employees, one principal contact plus 5 associates.
Green Pages profile listing in 5 categories.*
Annual Large Business
$970 for 1 Year
This membership level is designed for large businesses with over 75 employees. This membership is a one-time annual membership. If you would like to auto-renew, select Recurring Large Business Membership. Enhanced benefits include:
Guild discounts and email list announcements for up to 10 employees, one principal contact plus 9 associates.
Green Pages profile listing in 5 categories.*


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