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Hemp-lime infill construction

Hemp-Lime Is Now in the IRC

A new evolution of hemp and lime, Hemp-lime (Hempcrete) is now in the IRC (International Residential Code).  This accomplishment was a decades long project of the US Hemp Building Foundation (USHBF). The USHBF explains, "Hempcrete insulation has been used in…

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Green Building Materials – Let’s Talk Insulation!

When talking about green building, the good news is that using insulation itself is planet-friendly because it improves the energy efficiency in your home by reducing heat and cooling losses and gains, reducing the energy needed to heat and cool your house. Recently, there has been an influx of new and innovative insulation products on the market made of materials that significantly lessen the impact on the planet.

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Building A Green Kitchen

by Bob Margulis, Ravenworks Joinery Congratulations, you have decided that your green remodel will include a new kitchen! This article is designed to help you understand what that means and make you a more informed consumer. Before we look at…

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Banishing the Bulldozer

Exceptional living is the dream of new homeowners pursuing green building and remodeling. They want good indoor air quality, super energy efficiency, and finishes made from renewable, sustainable sources. Few, however, pay attention to what happens to the old structure. Whether it's an entire house, or a portion to be remodeled, your old building materials deserve a second look. Ignore the poor lighting, the leaks, the inefficient floor plan, and other qualities that fall short of ideal green building and consider the possibilities.

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New EPA LEAD Rules to Effect Residential Renovations

Lead-based paint was used in more than 38 million homes until it was banned for residential use in 1978. For those renting, buying or renovating a pre-1978 home, receiving a copy of the EPA's Lead Pamphlet is federal law, and duly warns against things like letting your children chew on the windowsills. Lead has been shown to affect children's brains and developing nervous systems, causing reduced IQ, learning disabilities, and behavioral problems, and is also harmful to adults. Lead in dust, which is often invisible, is the most common way people are exposed to lead.

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Dive In with Denim Insulation

by Kylie Loynd, The Polishing Stone When my husband entered the house he uttered one word, “fiberglass,” and headed straight for the shower. I knew Kurt must have spent the day in someone’s attic. Working with this type of insulation…

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